Welcome to CC's Nursery
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About CCs Nursery
A Place to Shine
We feel that it is vital for parents to have as much information as possible before deciding on their child's early education. We hope that the following information will be of both interest and value in helping you to make that all important decision.
We are very proud of our nursery. We are a very inclusive nursery where every child matters, meeting the individual needs of both children and parents, and enabling children to reach their full potential.
What children experience in nursery can create strong and lasting foundations on which to build in later life, so we believe it is essential that the first experiences at CC’s Nursery are both enjoyable and of the highest quality.
CC's Nursery is carefully designed to ensure that the children's needs are met, in a safe, secure, and comfortable environment, with a positive Creative atmosphere. We ensure children have fun whilst in an educational and developmental manner.
The nursery has been designed to replicate the wonderful, home from home environment which, in our experience, helps very young children to thrive and achieve.
CC's nursery strongly believes in equality. We offer multi cultural childcare as a great opportunity for the children to learn and respect different origins, cultures and beliefs.
We are OFSTED registered for children from 3 months to 5yrs.